All are encouraged to participate in KPO meetings.  Meeting attendance will count towards your loving hours.

Kaleihiwa Parent Organization (KPO)

The purpose of the Kaleihiwa Parent Organization is to provide necessary support for Kawaiaha‘o Church School. Kaleihiwa Parent Organization exists to serve Kawaiaha‘o Church School.

All parents of KCS students are automatically members of the Kaleihiwa Parent Organization. Active members will be supportive of the school’s faculty, staff, administration and mission and be committed to the enrichment of our keiki’s spiritual growth, cultural experience, and education.

All are encouraged to attend scheduled meetings. KPO Officers will publicize the meetings via classroom posters and email blasts to classroom lists.

KPO may choose to support the school in the following ways:

  • Sponsor school-wide social activities (such as Snow Day) which promote parent/student interest and school support while fostering Kawaiaha‘o Church School’s spiritual, Montessori and Hawaiian values.
  • Sponsor enrichment opportunities for parents and families. These can be presented in the form of visiting speakers, book or journal clubs, support groups, and the like.
  • Raise funds to support school activities, physical improvements, and materials pertaining to curricular use. If fundraising happens to exceed the goals that have been set, then those excess funds will be spent as determined by KPO.

Contact for any questions